Many instructors feel online homework systems are lacking the ability to grade student work..
Finding new course materials can be quite an undertaking. There are multiple considerations that..
Dr. Cindy Schwarz will receive the American Association of Physics Teacher’s 2017 David Halliday..
Instructors have a long history of sharing resources between one another within departments and..
Classroom demonstrations can be a great way to get students excited about what you want them to..
A teaching assistant (TA) is an individual who assists a teacher with instructional..
This blog post is not meant to equip you with the complete knowledge to get started down the path..
We recently read an article stating that homework is once and for all obsolete because of a new app..
Academic integrity is important — to you as the instructor, to us as a homework provider, and most..
As evidenced by the variety of introductory textbooks available on the market, there is no..